Drill Machine

Can You Use a 3/8 Bit in a 1/2 Drill? Find Out the Secret!
One of the most asked questions among the woodworkers these days is, “can you use a 3/8 bit in a 1/2 drill?” Indeed, most of us are familiar with a misconception about this fact, which is what I’m going to break down today! In a word, you can easily use a 3/8 bit in a […]

Dewalt vs. Black and Decker Cordless Drill: Which One is Best?
Starting from DIY projects to repairing things, the use of cordless drills is endless. No matter how basic your tool kit is, you should always have a cordless drill to add extra convenience and efficiency to your job. Assuming you don’t have any cordless drill in your tool kit till now, you are probably thinking […]

How To Turn A Cordless Drill Into Corded – 3 Steps To Look For!
Have you noticed your old cordless drill isn’t working as before? Or you’ve found it completely useless? I don’t think you should use the word “useless” if you have such a power tool because you can easily convert your cordless drill to a corded drill; you heard it right! Cordless to corded drill conversion is […]